1-2-1 Counselling - a York-based charity offering short term mental health counselling

How we can help
It may be that you are experiencing stress, emotional difficulties or finding it hard dealing with life events. 1-2-1 Counselling is here to help.
We provide counselling and therapy services to the people in York and surrounding areas through a team of experienced, professionally trained counsellors.
We offer a donation-based service that is open to all and is easily accessible. All counsellors are members of a relevant professional body such as the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP) and offer a professional and ethical service. We offer face-to-face counselling.
What is counselling?
Counselling provides a confidential setting in which to explore personal concerns, difficulties or distress. People may bring to counselling a range of life issues such as anxiety or depression, stress, relationship problems, low self esteem, loss or bereavement.
Your counsellor is here to listen to and support you in a way which is different from friends or family, and confidentiality will remain at all times, subject to exceptions required by law. Your counsellor will be able to provide more details if you have any questions regarding confidentiality.

Face-to-face Counselling
We offer 7 sessions of face-to-face counselling. Sessions generally will be at the same time and day of the week and where possible over consecutive weeks. The service runs Monday to Friday.
Our service is designed for those living in York and surrounding areas with sessions taking place at our private rooms in Tower House, Fishergate or Quaker Meeting House, Friargate.
Contact Us
If you have decided to get in touch with us, the first step is to leave a voicemail message on our confidential answering service 07587 155678 (24 hours). We will call you back, and take some brief details, including days and times when you would be available for sessions. You will be contacted again as soon as a counsellor becomes available, and a first appointment arranged.
Ensuring Quality
We value your feedback on the service we offer and would like you to let us know, at the end of your sessions with us, how you experienced the counselling. If at any time you have concerns about the service, please let us know.
Please use our client feedback form to let us know your experience of our service.
Counsellors give their services voluntarily. Our funding for running costs (room hire etc) comes entirely from voluntary contributions and grants. Each session costs around £15 to provide. You will receive the same high standard of service regardless of whether you decide to make a donation. You can use our Donate link on the 1-2-1 Counselling website to make your donation to the service. Alternatively you can donate at the session itself.
Guidance on voluntary contributions (PDF 50.6KB)
Keeping your information safe
Please note that we store securely a minimum of contact information on you and very brief sessional notes. We do not share this information with anyone without your express permission except in exceptional circumstances. We only use anonymised information for data collection purposes. Your counsellor will explain our confidentiality policy to you if you would like to know more about what data we store, the way we store your data, what we do with this information, how long we keep it and where there might be issues of confidentiality to consider. You have the right to ask to see this information and also to ask for it to be destroyed if you wish to. General Data Protection Regulations mean that you need to give us permission to hold information about you.
If you need urgent help
Information about out of hours support in a mental health crisis.